Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We Defend Honest & Peaceful Acts

American Revolutionary Vanguard works for the abolition of all laws criminalizing consensual adult behaviors including drug laws, gun laws, sex laws, prohibition of alternative medical treatments, prohibition of suicide, seat belt and motorcycle helmet laws, zoning laws, involuntary civil commitment and drinking ages. Only acts of physical aggression against other people and their possessions can justly be considered crimes.

We Shall Lift Up The Poor & Oppressed

American Revolutionary Vanguard supports the development of cooperatives and guilds for the provision of affordable health care to the poor and workers, care for the sick and elderly, provision of reliable information to consumers and the organizing of tenants in opposition to slumlords and public housing authorities without reliance on statist, classist “zoning” laws, “building codes”, “land use” regulations and other forms of government interference.

Meet The Shackles

We Shall Restore The Common Law

American Revolutionary Vanguard supports the establishment of locally-based common law courts supervised by volunteer juries and private judges not connected to the state. Such courts should serve as as alternative to and eventual replacement of the corrupt, incompetent, tyrannical state legal system. In addition, common law juries are to have the right to acquit any defendant for any reason.

We Shall Protect Our Liberties

The Cabarrus Sons Of Liberty has adopted the American Revolutionary Vanguard 25 Point Program. Below is point #19...

The American Revolutionary Vanguard calls for the establishment of a neighborhood-by-neighborhood, city-by-city, county-by-county volunteer civilian militia system for the purpose of resisting creeping domestic and global tyranny. Such militias may be either entirely private militia, operating without any government involvement whatsoever, or locally-based public militias, under the supervision of local political institutions.